2023 OMG

You wouldn’t believe it even if I told you straight to the face. But I’m telling you anyway.

2023 January, February, March My Gawd!

January – Started journey as trader. Previous investments down 70%, which is why I started the journey as a trader. I couldn’t trust fund managers anymore and I wanted to learn first hand what exactly it is they are doing and how they are doing it. Remember, my existing investments are down 70%.

February – Maid runs away. I cash out my investments at a 70% loss. No job, no maid, and still learning to become a trader. I’m trading at this point and i’m making 90% loses.

March – I’m 78kgs. I’m stressed. I have bills to pay, no income. Passive income has dissipated. There is no way of me meeting my monthly commitments. I’m stressed beyond stressed. My trading is still shite. Not making money there either.

End of March – One of my existing investments portfolios is bringing in good returns. The problem is, I don’t have much capital left to make any dent in my cashflow situation. 30th March 2023, I wake up with a lifechanging idea. Moving capital from one fund into my existing investments, the monthly returns will be able to cover my expenses and more.

Thank god. Some breathing space.

Don’t ask me how I was able to suddenly come up with this solution. I know its God helping me. He’s given me some breathing space and I am not going to waste it.

These next 2 months are Do or Die months:

If I want to be able to create a life that is stable, with steady income and a means to look after myself into my old age (when I’m alone) as well as ensure my kids have money growing up, these next 2 months will determine whether that happens or not.

What do I need to do to ensure a life for myself and my kids now and in the future that will be dignified and I will be respected?


  1. I lose 10kgs
  2. I get fit and beautiful
  3. I get a part time job with some inflow
  4. I publish my poetry book’
  5. I sell my skincare
  6. I sell my tank tops
  7. I get fucking good at trading

April and May are Do or Die. I will know my what my life will be like by what I put into these next 2 month and what the outcomes are.

Fuck all of you. This is MY Life and I’m not fucking around anymore.

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